
It Has Been a While :D

  OMG... it really has been a long time 😂 and so many things had happened in these past 4 years??? since 2017, can you believe that LMAO. Well, this might sound indescribably surreal to others and, Me, definitely, but in reality, i’m becoming an SHS student this year. As well as becoming a 16 years old in 4 months. Time really flies... back then, my english wasn’t even on a par with my cousins (who were students of international school and they spoke english really well because they were used to it). But now, i am confident to say that my english had been significantly improving to the point i am no longer fluent using full bahasa indonesia on the daily LOL. I was just reminiscing my old days when i was in elementary school, and everytime i do, i got reminded with this blog of mine that’s still floating around on the internet. Why is it still around? Cuz honestly, it’s too precious to be perished and i don’t have the heart to deactivate or whatever the term is to wipe this blog off fr

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